Michele's Guest Appearances
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Michele Scarlet is a Board Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer and Women's Health Coach who helps women lose stubborn fat when traditional fat loss methods don’t seem to work.
Through her signature program, COREFIT, she teaches women how to optimize their metabolism by restoring their body back to its balanced state with in depth functional lab testing, somatic exercise, purposeful nutrition and self-care practices, so fat loss is effortless!
Michele’s passion for health and wellness began early in life and at age 22 years old she opened her personal training studio in Toronto, where she spent 13 years empowering women to become strong physically and confident.
It wasn't until she had her own health concerns that she realized true health went much deeper than just diet and exercise - true health requires whole body synergy!
Michele’s passion for women’s health, and her experience in personal training led her to focus mainly in helping women lose excess fat due to underlying issues like hormone imbalance, gut health and more.
Michele has over 15 years of experience in fitness and functional health, is the host of Michele Scarlet’s True Health Podcast where she makes it her mission to empower women to be advocates for their own health and has been featured in many health and fitness podcasts, magazines and tv programs.
To book Michele for your podcast, publication or partnership please email: media@michelescarlet.com
To book Michele for your podcast, publication or partnership please email: media@michelescarlet.com
Michele's Guest Appearances
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The Health Detective Podcast | Breast Implant Illness: Metabolic Tips from My Healing Journey
In this episode, I explore my personal journey of overcoming Breast Implant Illness through FDN (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition). Discover three key takeaways: the profound possibility of healing, an in-depth understanding of how metabolism works regardless of age, and a step-by-step guide to optimizing your metabolism for better health. - Introduction: My Journey with Breast Implant Illness - Key Takeaways for Listeners - Healing is Possible - Understanding Your Metabolism - Optimizing Your Metabolism: A Step-by-Step Guide
Achieving Financial Freedom: My Journey to a 6-Figure Health Coaching Business
In this episode, I’m sharing my personal journey to achieving financial freedom and building a multi 6-figure health coaching business—all by leveraging the power of social media. From finding my niche to creating impactful content and engaging with my audience, I break down the strategies that helped me scale my business and reach my financial goals. If you're a health coach or entrepreneur looking to grow your business using social media, this episode is packed with actionable tips to help you get there!
The Ultimate Pregnancy Prep Podcast | Non-Toxic Living for Conception
In this podcast, I interview Michele Scarlet, a women's health coach and fitness expert, and we discuss non-toxic living for conceiving with a focus on why it's essential to detoxify the body to support overall health and fertility. Michele shares her personal journey of overcoming chronic illness, detoxing, and eventually conceiving. The conversation covers topics like identifying toxins in everyday products, supporting detox pathways, and balancing hormones for optimal health and conception.
Wake Up Your Warrior | Chronic Illness
Today’s episode of Wake Up Your Warrior stars Michele Scarlet! She is a Board Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner who specializes in women's gut health.
Join us as we talk about how she can help women ditch the bloat, drop the fat & have happy poops & periods.
At one point in her life, she struggled with major gut issues that caused her so much pain and anxiety, and no doctor could offer her long-term solutions.
Tough Love For Moms | Encouraging and Equipping Moms to Do Hard Things
So it's time to bust some myths and take control of our thoughts. In this episode, Michele addresses the most common myths women struggle with when it comes to weight loss, teaches how to simplify nutrition and shift your mindset when it comes to your journey, and encourages you with tangible advice on how to take control of your thoughts. Time to get equipped, mama!
Fit Chicks Chat | The TOP Lies The Fitness Industry Tells You
Today on FIT CHICKS Chat we have Michele Scarlet joining us to help us decipher contradicting health information. With information overload being at an all-time high, it is easy for us to get overwhelmed when starting on our health journey.
Boss Up With Jen & Kris
Jen & Kris chat with Michele Scarlet, founder of CORE studios and CORE FIT app. She talks about how she took the leap to open her own studio at the age of 22, the importance of self-care when you're an entrepreneur, how she launched her app in less than 2 months, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs
As Seen On
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